Ways to Improve the Service

Most successful people in the real estate business greatly value their relationship with their clients, especially in very competitive environment. Their clients are always and incessantly prospected by others, therefore they have to stay committed to stay customer centric. Real Estate companies who focus greatly in customer service realizes this, thus recognizing relationship building and follow up service is very crucial in customer retention and generation of revenue.
In today's world we have access to almost everything via the internet, our mobile phones, and voicemail. They make our lives easier to communicate with others. However, whatever technological advancement we may have, it doesn't hide the increasing number of clients who are dissatisfied. It shows that we are not as effective in communicating as we thought we are. In the field of human psychology, research shows that people are born into one of four behavioral styles. One can be born aggressive, passive, analytical or expressive. Each temperament requires matchless approach and strategy to handle. A person needs to understand each of these temperaments in order to encourage effective communication. Identifying which of these four is your client will help you understand and effectively work with them.
Quality customer service is described as impeccable attention to details and responsiveness. That's why giving quality service is both an opportunity and a responsibility. Customer satisfaction survey points, little things make a big difference. It is essential to know as well that the top most complaints for customer service are unreturned phone calls, broken promises and failure to keep commitments. Make sure to exert some effort to follow through your clients. Customer service does not mean mediocre service but one that is beyond your client's expectation. Go the extra mile to provide service, and turn your happy clients to your advantage for they eventually can become of great help when promoting your business.
Nonverbal communication is very important and should always bear that in mind. Learn the importance of body language and to "listen with your eyes". Studies show that body language has more impact and reliability than words spoken.
Have an open body language, to create a good first impression, do rapport quickly, eye contact, don't forget to give a warm sincere smile, show the palm of our hand, keep your arms relaxed and unfolded and legs uncrossed. You can create harmony with your client's body gestures by "matching and mirroring". This is to subconsciously convey to someone that you like them and agree with them.
Conversations are good, so use open ended questions and inquire the meaning behind your prospects' words. You can take note of key words or phrases you can use to restate what they've said. This does not only improve your listening skills but also clarify communication and build rapport. Focus to what your client is saying, try not to interrupt, argue with them or even dominate the conversation.
Here are the five powerful ways to provide service to your clients:
  1. Promotional gift is good. Think of something that they will appreciate, like a coffee mug, letter opener or a personalized calendar with your information on it.
  2. Feedback system. This will help you monitor your clients' opinion on the quality and quantity of service you have provided them. Remember that in customer service, perception is reality. Place a great value on their opinions, for service is defined as to how customers perceive its value.
  3. Under-promise and over deliver. Be reliable. Keep your promises and stay committed to your word.
  4. Pay attention to small things. Follow up is the power in a successful business. Always return phone calls, emails, and other important communications. Make it a habit.
  5. Make sure to stay in contact and keep good records. Write down important notes and keep track of important dates. This is especially important especially if your clients are reassigned to your other colleagues. Keep a written record of everything to help you remember everything from phone calls to birthdays.
Companies especially the progressive ones give so much importance now to customer service. They provide trainings and keep an eye on their customer satisfaction. Companies who fail to provide customer service, gives way to their own competitors to take advantage of this weakness, leaving them vulnerable. Always exceed customers' expectation and success will always follow.

Cheap Marketing Ideas

Use of the internet has transformed the way people get information and firms can interact with potential customers. Technology is continuing to evolve at a rapid rate and the beauty of this is, it is becoming available for everyone. In years gone by, providing video content to draw attention to yourself would have been costly. These days, it is available to everyone and some of the cheap marketing ideas that come from it can be startling.
If you are hoping to develop video marketing strategies, you must have an end goal in sight. Too many marketing strategies are created through a good idea or plan from the firm. This is all well and good but if it is not specifically aimed at making a potential customer carry out some action, it is not a good strategy.
Your video doesn't have to sell something
The strategy doesn't have to be about selling something. The videos can be used to create better content so people come back to the site. Videos can be used to inform people of upcoming events or make them aware of future events. Videos can even be used to make people laugh and spread some fun around the internet.
Viral videos are amongst the best video marketing strategies to choose but creating a video and placing it online is not enough to turn it viral. The content of the video has to be worth watching and people have to feel as though they need to forward it to their friends. Spending a lot of money on a video is no guarantee it will be funny or popular, so make sure you have a clear goal in your mind when making a video.
A video can be seen around the world
In fact, if you want a video to be sent around the world, quite often a cheaper video is more likely to be forwarded. People are wary of flash videos made by companies trying to look cool so simple can often be best. If you are looking for cheap marketing ideas that will launch yourself, your blog, your company or your product, a well considered video has the ability to say more than a thousand words.